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Cleaning Agent & Disinfectant Testing


Cleaning Agent TESTING

Symbio offers testing for label claim of cleaning products. Tests are based on TGA Option A, Option B, Option C, and Option D.

Let’s get started

Cleaning Product Testing Services

We provide comprehensive disinfectant, sterilants and sanitisers efficacy testing services to validate that your cleaning products meet the requirements of the Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA). Our testing covers every stage, from raw materials to finished products, meeting both government and industry standards and verifying marketing claims.

In the process, we affirm the following:

  • Verify consistent levels of active ingredients
  • Establish shelf life thorough accelerated and real-time stability and testing
  • Verify various ingredients and final product standards
  • Antimicrobial activity of the product

Cleaning Product Testing Findings

These tests are used for label claim of the products i.e. if the product is for hospital grade or household or commercial grade. Tests based on TGA Option A, Option B, Option C and Option D are available.


Symbio offers AOAC, ASTM and EN based methods to demonstrate the effectiveness of disinfectants under different challenged environments that can assist for your product registration.


Based on the product application and product label claim, Symbio team can help you decide on the right test method to comply with regulations in your target market. 


Symbio also performs real-time and accelerated shelf life of the products based on TGA guidelines. Chemical stability of the product determines if the active concentration of active substance doesn’t fall below the initial label claim.

Cleaning Product Test Turnaround Times

Turn around times are based on test requirements. Expedited test services are available. Please contact our friendly customer service team to discuss your project requirements.